As airlines cut the weight limit on checked bags, your carry-on bag has become even more important.
The weight limit of 50 lbs on a checked bag means space must be used in the most efficient, convenient, roomy manner possible. So exactly what makes the perfect carry on well, perfect?
Here I'll explain some of the ideas behind the design of our most popular series of duffel style carry-on bags: the PR4 Safari Beano and the PR5 Safari Beano.
When it came time to design and build the Safari Beanos series of duffel style carry-on bags we looked at every bag available on the market. It was then that it was decided to break away from the pack. With that in mind we set out to make the strongest bag out there -- not just marginally stronger. The bar was raised to its highest standard: that of Parachute Rigging! Why Parachute Rigging? Red Oxx has two military trained Riggers on staff, Jim, Perry.
The rigger motto is "I will be sure, always." What it boils down to is a high standard of quality that exceeds every travel bag on the market.
The PR4 Safari Duffel and the PR5 Safari Duffel share the same features, the PR5 being roughly 36% larger in capacity than the PR4. A large main compartment and two voluminous zippered end pockets work well for clothes and other items you'd rather not check. In addition to these capacious pockets, you have two more flat zippered pockets along the outside. One side pocket cleverly unzips at top and bottom so you can slide the whole bag over the handle system of a rolling suitcase. Though these duffel bags are primarily marketed as carry-on, they're certainly easily adaptable to be used in conjunction with wheeled suitcases.
I have a lot of people ask, "How much will it hold?" Our PR5 Safari Beano Duffel is made to meet the maximum allowable carry-on by weight at 50 pounds. Here's an idea of what belongings I've stuffed into it on many occasions:
- 3 pairs of pants
- 3 shirts
- 3 pairs of socks
- 3 pair of briefs
- a Tri-Fold Toiletry Kit
- a pair shorts
- and sandals.
Through experience I've found that for a quick overnight trip (or if you need a spacious organized hobby bag) the PR4 Safari Beano's Duffel fits the bill nicely. This duffel bag will easily accommodate a change of clothes and a toiletry kit.
Jim Markel, CEO
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