Join the Club, Send Us Your Travel Story.
Greetings fellow adventurers, Red Oxx co-owner Jim Markel here. By now you may have read some of my Oxx Tales. As you can see, I love sharing my adventures.
I also think it's cool when our customers share theirs. It's also a great way for us to get feedback of our luggage in the field. We want to make sure it holds up no matter where you're going. Not to mention it helps our customers decide which bag is best for the trip.
That's why since 2002, we've posted our loyal customer's stories on our website.
It started as a typical satisfied customer email. But because they usually included some kind of interesting adventure story, we decided to publish them. As an extra incentive to our customers to send us their stories, we created the Free Gear Winners. Naturally, not all entries are winners. Just the one's we really like! Many thanks to all the enthusiastic travelers who sent us your emails.
It's awesome to hear you touting how well our travel gear held up and safely carried your belongings from here to Tim-Buk-Tu. It's so cool to see pictures of you posing with your favorite Red Oxx luggage in some remote part of the world.
We've decided that we want to put the spotlight on creating a special club for our globe-trotting customers. It's an online Adventure Journal where any satisfied Red Oxx enthusiast could join this club. At the Red Oxx Adventure Journals, customers can contribute their stories and adventure fans can read about exotic parts of the world.
So from here on, welcome to the Red Oxx Adventure Journal! Send us your story to info at subject line adventure journal. Please include a picture of yourself posing with your favorite Red Oxx Gear. Don't forget to include the following information:
- Tell us about where you went.
- Why you chose Red Oxx to be your faithful adventure companion.
- Which bags did you pick and why?
- What kind of abuse did they survive?
- What would you fix, add, change or eliminate?
- What makes Red Oxx your travel bag of choice when there are so many bags abounding?
We promise to read about your adventure, gander at your pictures and post your story for the world to read. It's easy, it's fun, and most of all, you become a member of an exclusive club of adventure travelers who have shared their journey with the world on the web.
Cheers, Jim Markel, CEO
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