Ambassador Extraordinaire

Ambassador Katie Jackson Features Red Oxx on FOX

Ambassador Katie Jackson Features Red Oxx on FOX

Red Oxx Ambassador Katie Jackson took our all-American Manufacturing story to FOX News Made in America series, giving it her unique personal touch, revealing the human beings who make up the brand behind the scenes. Starting with CEO Jim Markel Katie learned …

    "Tactical strength without looking like you´re going to war," is how Jim Markel, Red Oxx’s co-founder and CEO, describes his company’s products.

After thirty one years in business as Red Oxx Manufacturing, the two military veterans who make up the company leadership, Jim Markel and President Perry Jones, earned the recognition of the Small Business Association’s Montana Veteran-Owned Business of the Year Award.

    "It’s pretty dang cool to see a Red Oxx bag while traveling and know it came from a small factory in the heart of Montana," says Ryan Morrissey, 27, who started as a sewer three years ago and now runs Red Oxx’s quality control department.

Katie also learned that Red Oxx is run like a family business, Jim’s wife is the CFO and their dog, a lovely Rhodesian Ridgeback named Rooie (means Ruby in Afrikaans), maintains the role of company mascot while sprawled out on the Factory Showroom retail store floor.

Behind the scenes Lead Bag Designer Lacy McDougal works feverishly to create smart, useful, and durable new bags, as well as revising existing bags in the product line. In describing employees at the factory, located a block from the retail store, Lacy said…

    "There are 25 employees who range from 20-year-olds to nearly 60… They come from all walks of life — religious…to tattooed and crazy. McEddie Sam O, he’s an immigrant from Nigeria… with the help of Red Oxx, he’s now a U.S. citizen."

The Fox News publication brought a few new eyeballs to the brand and made for a busy week in the shipping department. You can read the entire article here.

Special thanks to Katie for her welcome news release. You can follow Katie and her stories on traveling the globe here and her amusing adventures on social media here.

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Personal Renaissance – Exploring the Maestro’s of Italian Glass Blowing in Murano
Carryology Interviews Red Oxx CEO Jim Markel – An Inside Look

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