Monkey Fist Usage Suggestions

Monkey Fist Usage Suggestions

Monkey Fist Zip Knots Contest

To zip knot? Or zip not? That is the question. Here at Red Oxx we use our Monkey Fist Zip Knots as reliable zipper pulls for all our bags. We first got the idea when we saw someone using them as reflective zipper pulls on a ski jacket. After our supply ran out we found a new supplier in Guatemala. And so began our Fair Trade agreement that helps 3rd world families stay together as families. Dad can stay home and watch his children grow. The village can afford amenities you and I take for granted such as a flush toilet. In celebration of this wonderful achievement, we're holding a contest to see how many ways can you can think of to use a Monkey's Fist?

A barrel full of Monkey Fists / a barrel full of ideas using them

We're giving away a barrel full of Monkey Fists, 1000 in all, a fist-full at a time. Submit your idea for a clever way to use a Monkey's Fist. If you have a photo of your monkey fist in use, attach that as well.

To get the creative juices flowing, here's a few ideas others have had using a Monkey's Fist.

  • Key Fob: We like to use a Monkey's Fist as a key fob. This is especially handy for single keys. You don't have anything sharp tagged onto your key jabbing you in the leg and you can easily hang up your key using the loop in the knot.
  • Lunch Box Zipper Pull: Kids can be tough on their belongings. In one household, the zipper pulls on two lunch boxes broke off. We're not sure what kids are doing after they eat their lunch, but the lunch boxes were abused! The Monkey Fist makes it possible to continue using the lunch box by replacing the broken zipper pull. And in today's tough economic times, a 75 cent Monkey Fist beats buying a new $20 Lunch Box!
  • Knot the Knots together: Jerry O., a customer from Bella Vista, had this clever use: Interlock them by using the over/under technique after zipping the bag shut. For security's sake, when Jerry's walking in large cities or on a subway, he'll orderly twist the monkey knots together to thwart and slow down attempts to open his bag.

Now that's clever! What kind of uses can you think of for a Monkey Fist? Let us know and we'll send you a fistful of Monkey Fists (10 to be exact).

Send us your suggestions


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