Beanos PR5 Duffel Serves Solo Traveler in Iraq

Beanos PR5 Duffel Serves Solo Traveler in Iraq

Tristan Marby packed his Red Oxx PR5 for a trip to Iraq. He deemed it the perfect size and shape for the solo traveler. Let's check in before he takes off again.

Dear Jim and Perry,
I just finished a research trip across northern Iraq checking out the progress of the Kurdistan Regional Government. While the Kurds are doing very well under the circumstances, getting there overland across the Turkish border is another story and getting around Iraq is a whole lot of other stories!

As you can see from the attached photo, taken just inside Iraq on my return to Turkey, I brought one and only one bag on this important journey: a kick-ass all-black Safari Beano PR 5. It's the perfect size and shape for a solo traveler carrying all his own gear. An added bonus: the double zippers across the top made it easy to repack all my stuff after getting searched by grumpy border guards.

Over the past twenty years I have traveled rough roads through Honduras, Mexico, Morocco, Egypt, Canada, China, Tibet, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, India and Pakistan. I only wish I could have brought a Beano from the very beginning since I know I would still be using the same bag today. The thing is absolutely indestructible.

Congratulations on turning out a perfect piece of gear.

Tristan James Mabry
Department of Political Science
University of Pennsylvania

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